Our Services


Water Tank Cleaning

आधुनिक अशा शास्त्रोक्त पद्धतीने पाण्याच्या टाक्यांची स्वच्छता व निर्जंतूकीकरण करणारी आपल्या शहरातील एकमेव संस्था..... New creation

The Tank Cleaning Concept :-


In the first stage of our unique drinking water tank cleaning concept-we use Italian high pressure cleaning Machines which produces a jet of water at very high pressure for cleaning the walls , flooring and Ceiling of the tank thoroughly. But before this we thoroughly clean the exterior portion of the drinking water tank including the man hole, this ensure that the dirt outside the tank does not go in again after the cleani9ng is completed .The pressure of this machine is so effective that there is not even a slightest trace of any algae, moss or dirt clinging to the walls, flooring or to the ceiling of the tank. After thoroughly cleaning the insides of the tank total dirty water along with the sludge is removed using special vacuum pump and the dirty water of the tank is disposed off safely using our suction pump.
 In the second stage of cleaning we spray the tank using the same high pressure machine with our specially developed anti-bacterial sterilizing agents. These agents have a proven broad spectrum anti-bacterial action and are effective against a very wide range of micro-organism including RNS virus. This agent is thoroughly tested and proven to be non-toxic to Primary Skin, Mucus Membrane, Oral And Gastrointestinal tract at recommended dosage of use.
After allowing the anti-bacterial agents to impart its full effect on the diseases causing .Bacteria for a specific period of time we inset the tank clean again with fresh water using the high pressure jets and the total remaining unclean water is again removed from the tank using the special vacuum pump. The tank is then made totally clean and dry using special vacuum pumps.
 In the third and last stage of sterilization of the tank from inside, we use our unique specially designed Ultra Violet Radiator which kills any further floating or suspended bacteria that might have remained in the tank. This full procedure makes the tank 100% Bacteria free and makes it perfectly fit for storing clean drinking water. The above process is common for both the Underground and Overhead Drinking water storages tanks and can be used for all types of tanks like Concrete Tanks, Fabricated Steel tanks, Plastic (Sintex Type) Tanks etc.
Our professional system also includes maintaining of computerized records of all he tanks which have been cleaned and scheduling of next cleaning operations etc. thus removing the total responsibility of the residents of ny particular building to make this life healthy and tension free.
The total process and the unique combination of the special anti-bacterial agents and UV radiation used in the process of cleaning the drinking water tanks is totally a novel feature of this cleaning process developed ,tried and test . We feel that if this process is use3d by all the residents of multi-strayed buildings they would never have any health related problems arising out of water borne diseases(provided the water supplied by the authorities is of potable Quality).


Pest Control


Our Our pest management program:

1. Inspection
2. Preventive action
3. Identification
4. Analysis
5. Treatment selection
6. Monitoring
7. Documentation

Our Rodent pest control method

1.Glue pad(Board)
2. Rodent Trap box(maintenance)
3.Cakes Treatment
4. Grain treatment

Our service resident /Commercial

1. Rat/Rodent control
2. Anti-termite treatment
3. Mosquito/files control
4. Bedbug control
5. Wood borer treatment
6. Fogging treatment
7. Snake treatment
8. Bird control

Our Treatment

Our eco friendly treatment of spray gel completely eradicates the above pest without bothering the people in the house our scheme of residency pest control is one in 3/4/6 months in a year as per requirement and audited by our technicians.


House Keeping


We provide both homes and office cleaning services. Professional and modern cleaning methods including housekeeping staff.

House Cleaning
Our housekeeping staff will take care of all your household chores. Some examples of the duties of the housekeeping staff are the following.

  • Managing the kitchen including cleaning the appliances in the kitchen like the microwave, cooking ranges, dusting of cupboards and cleaning the countertops. Sweeping and mopping floors.

  • Maintenance work around the house

  • Organizing the kitchen and putting the entire house in order.

  • Making the bed, changing sheets and curtains, carpet.

  • Emptying the trash bin.

  • Maintaining and regular cleaning of the bathroom.

  • Cooking and setting the dining table and clearing off the table after dinner.

  • Following any special instructions are given.

  • Office Cleaning
    Our housekeeping staff will take care of all your office appliances. Some examples of the duties of our staff are the following.
  • Dusting the walls, windowsills, ledges, blinds, and bookshelves.

  • Straightening cushions and pillows.

  • Sweeping the floor.

  • Mopping the floor.

  • Vacuuming carpet floors.

  • Clean all glass (windows, mirrors, glass tables, etc.).

  • Emptying the trash and replacing the bag.




    New Creation provides excellent plumbing services by using latest equipments. Plumbing services are, drains fittings, valves, valve assemblies, and devices installed in a building for the distribution of water for drinking, heating, and washing, and the removal of waterborne wastes, and the skilled trade of working with pipes, tubing and plumbing fixtures in such systems. A plumber is a tradesperson who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable water, sewage, and drainage in plumbing systems.

    Our Plumbing Services are :-

  • Water Heater Repair and Installation.

  • Water Softener installation.

  • Dishwasher Hookup.

  • Toilet Repair.

  • The lavatory, Kitchen Sin.




    Gardening services include to taking care health of all plants and greenscapes, watering and feeding plants, trimming trees and shrubs, fertilizing and mowing lawns, weeding gardens and keeping green spaces and walkways clear of debris and litter.
    Maintenance of garden is as important as designing & constructing it. We have professional team who take all the responsibility of keeping garden healthy. We also use new techniques for cleaning of the garden areas and also use organic minerals for healthy growth of plants.

     Gardening is very important

    To keep surrounding clean for fresh environment. It is the first impression of home or any organization which helps to keep people entering feel good, calm and confortable.
    Growing your own food helps to supply you with healthy food to eat. We all know fruits and vegetables are the life source of a healthy body.




    New Creation provide painting services according to your requirement. For large contracts company provides some discounts (T&C). Obviously, a good paint job beautifies and adds character and personality to your home. But paint also serves as one of your home's primary lines of defense against weather, insects and other damage, so it's an important aspect of home maintenance to keep up on as well.

    Some Important Reasons To Paint Your Home :-


  • Increases Real Estate Value of Your Home.

  • Enhances Curb Appeal.

  • Promotes Healthy Indoor Air Quality.

  • Keeps Dust, Dirt to a Minimum.

  • Hides Permanent Marks & Stains.

  • Protects Exterior Surfaces for longer durability.

  • Protects Interior Surfaces.

  • The Most Inexpensive Remodel.


    Solar Energy


    New Creation provides Solar Energy system services in which you can contact company for a technician to service and aslo for repairing the solar energy systems. Our company does excellent work to maintain and repair solar energy system in affordable cost. The technicians well known about all the system work of solar energy so feel free to contact us. Company provides special discounts on large contracts.